How to Easily Bulk Delete All WordPress Comments

Would you like to delete all comments out of your WordPress site? It’s rare, but on some occasions a website owner might wish to delete all of the comments using their WordPress site. In the following paragraphs, we will highlight how you can easily bulk delete all WordPress comments.

Before you Delete All WordPress Comments

There are lots of legitimate situations whenever a user really must delete all WordPress comments with no hesitation.

For instance, you filled WordPress with dummy comments on the development site simply to observe how they’d look. You would like to delete individuals comments before relocating to an active site.

There are lots of other situations too, in which a site owner may wish to eliminate your comments ought to using their WordPress site.

However, if you want to delete the junk e-mail comments, then check out our guide regarding how to batch delete junk e-mail comments in WordPress. If you’re upset about comment junk e-mail in your WordPress, then make certain you check these pointers and tools to combat comment junk e-mail in WordPress.

Should there be comments turning up in your pages, then check out how you can disable comments on pages in WordPress.

If no above situations apply, then continue studying.

First you have to produce a complete WordPress backup of the site.

Removing all comments in WordPress is definitely an irreversible action. You won’t have the ability to undo it after you have erased individuals comments. For this reason it is crucial that you’ve got a backup.

Method 1: Deleting All WordPress Comments Using Plugin

First factor you must do is install and activate the Delete All Comments wordpress plugin. For additional particulars, see our step-by-step guide regarding how to use a WordPress wordpress plugin.

Upon activation, you have to visit Tools » Delete All Comments page. This is when you will notice the entire quantity of comments in your website, a confirmation box, and also the delete button.

Deleting all WordPress comments using a plugin

Clicking the delete all button will permanently delete all comments out of your WordPress site. Including individuals in junk e-mail and trash.

Now you can go to the comments page, and you’ll see all comments securely erased out of your WordPress site.

Method 2: Delete All WordPress Comments Using phpMyAdmin

You may also rapidly delete all WordPress comments using MySQL or phpMyAdmin. This process is just suggested for additional advanced customers.

Login to cPanel dashboard of the Weblog web hosting account. Underneath the database section, click phpMyAdmin.

phpMyAdmin in cPanel

Inside phpMyAdmin, you will have to locate your WordPress database. You will notice a webpage such as this showing all of your WordPress database tables.

Emptying WordPress comments tables using phpMyAdmin

Look into the box alongside wpprefix_comments and wpprefix_commentmeta table. The your comments tables may vary with respect to the table prefix you select on your WordPress installation.

After choosing comments table, locate the ‘With selected:’ drop lower menu underneath the table list and choose ‘Empty’ in the drop lower menu.

PhpMyAdmin will demonstrate an alert asking if you want to empty individuals tables.

Delete all WordPress comments using phpMyAdmin

Click the yes button to carry on. This can delete all WordPress comments out of your database.

You may also delete all WordPress comments using MySQL console (command line). Simply sign in to your MySQL console and run this command:

1 TRUNCATE `wp_commentmeta`;
2 TRUNCATE `wp_comments`;

That’s all, hopefully this short article assisted you learn to easily delete all comments in WordPress.